印象に残った風景を自身の心象として絵画に抽象化させて表現することに取り組んできた木梨銀士さん。最近は IT技術を駆使して、一枚の絵画にその時間的変化を投影させることで時間軸を加えた新たな三次元表現も試み、活躍をされています。
11/18(土)~11/23(木) 12:00~18:00 会期中無休
作家在廊:11/18(土)、 11/19(日)、 11/23(木)
In his landscape paintings, Ginji Kinashi has been working on expressing his own personal impression of the world around us. In his recent works, he has combined art and technology to break the boundary of time and enable his pieces to enter new three-dimensional art.
The theme of this exhibition is “INTROSPECTION”. Through his large-scale paintings, he confronts the fundamental challenge of translating his internal and personal view of this world into art. In addition to his paintings, the exhibition will showcase Ginji’s artworks in different mediums, such as his sculptures. We hope that you are able to experience and enjoy his works in person at Teradabijyutsu.