新里明士さんは、1977年千葉県生まれ。2001年に多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所終了後、「光器」という蛍手の技法を進化させた作品によって、国内はもとより海外でも高く評価されています。新里さんは早くから数々の賞を受賞されていますが、2005年、イタリアファエンツァ国際陶芸展 新人賞。2008年、パラミタ陶芸大賞展 大賞、など。近年では2020年、日本陶磁協会賞を受賞されています。




3/9(木)~ 3/12(日)11:00~19:00
3/9は招待日 最終日のみ 16:00まで
作家在廊:3/9, 3/10

東京国際フォーラム B2F ホールE 〈Galleries N034〉

Exhibition Akio Niisato

Akio Niisato was born in 1977 in the Chiba Prefecture. Having completed the Tajimi City Pottery Design Research Institute in 2001, he has been highly acclaimed, not only in Japan but also overseas, for his work called “Kouki”, which evolved the traditional technique of “hotaru-de”. Mr Niisato has won many awards from the early stages of his career; highlights include receiving the Award for New Artist at Premio Faenza in Italy in 2005, the Grand Prize from Paramita Museum Ceramic Competition in 2008 and, more recently, the Japan Ceramic Society Award in 2020.

Through his unique interpretation of the traditional “hotaru-de”, he has re-established it as a modern technique. In recent years, it has evolved further, in ways it’s philosophical significance can be witnessed in addition to the beauty of light and shadow it creates. In the world of tea ceremony, Mr Niisato demonstrates his versatility as an artist, as he creates excellent work in collaboration with other talented artists.

Following the Tokyo Art Fair, Akio Niisato’s solo exhibition will be held at Teradabijyutsu in Tokyo. In both exhibitions, we hope you enjoy Mr Niisato’s work that beautifully weaves his artistic world.


March 9th (Thursday) – March 12th (Sunday)
March 9th is Invitational Day
11am to 7pm (*Except for the final day, it will end at 4pm)
The artist will be at the fair on the 9th and 10th.

Tokyo International Forum, B2F hall-E 〈Galleries N034〉
3-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo